ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (Definitions, Objectives, BAckground)


·        The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (1978) defined EIA as a method “to identify, predict and to describe in appropriate terms the pros and cons (penalties and benefits) of a proposed development. To be useful the assessment needs to be communicated in terms understandable by the community and decision makers and the pros and cons should be identified on the basis of criteria relevant to the countries affected”.
·        A recent definition has been given by Canter (1996) “Environmental impact Assessment can be defined as the systematic identification and evaluation of the potential impacts (effects) of proposed projects, plans, programs or legislative actions relative to the physical, chemical, biological, cultural and socio-economic components of the total environment”.


·        The definitions have two major themes in common: that EIA is a planning tool and is concerned with identifying, predicting and assessing impacts arising from activities such as policies, plans and development projects which may affect the environment.
·        That the overall objective of EIA is to safeguard the environment and for that matter the major aim of EIA is to improve decisions on developments by increasing the quality and scope of information on likely impacts presented to the decision makers and the public.


·        Economic growth accompanied by environmental damage.
·        Upsurge of environmental concerns throughout 60s in the US.
·        Enactment in 1969 of the NEPA.
·        This landmark legislation requires EIA for all major development actions.
·        A new phase of response to the problems of environmental deterioration.
·        North America and Europe and gradually most developing countries adopted similar formal legislative measures.

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